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Natural Remedies for Hairloss

from: Fiona Holmes

As many as 75% of men may suffer 'male pattern baldness' as they grow older. If your father, or either of your grandfathers had noticeable balding, the chances are high that you may, too. The news isn't all bad, of course. New research seems to indicate that the typical 'horseshoe' male balding is in fact a sign of an ultra-strong immune system, making the carriers of the genes that dicatate the balding proclivity better able to weather the assualts of the environment, and thus more likely to pass on their genes.

But how can one prevent balding? There are 2 main medications on the market right now, both marketed by gigantic pharmaceutical concerns. The first is Minoxidil, which claims to regrow hair, and the second is Propecia (Finasteride) at one time an anti-prostate cancer treatment, but now touted as a pill that will halt hairloss.

Minoxidil does indeed cause hair to regrow, but in almost all cases, that regrowth is limited to fine 'downy' or 'peach fuzz' hair - certainly not enough to comb or style. Propecia halts hairloss, but may have side effects, especially in the libido area. Both treatments are suspected to lose their effectiveness after a couple of years.

Is there a natural remedy for this problem? The jury is out, but anecdotal evidence is suggesting that cheap, easily available products may in fact have a better remedial effect than either of these two chemical treatments. What are these products? Nizoral Shampoo, used twice a week, and T-Sal Shampoo, also used twice a week.

Combined with daily shampooing with an ordinary shampoo 3 days a week, these anti-inflamarory and anti-dandruff shampoos are cheap, available in every pharmacy, and have no know side effects. You do have to wash your hair and scalp every day, though, so a good conditioner is also desirable. Do they remedy the problem of hairloss? It looks like it!

About the Author

Fiona writes for a free website offering natural remedies articles and ideas rather than chemical solutions.